How many centuries did it take?


  • Love
  • ,
  • Passion
    • MorsetBillie
    • When a politician speaks,crowds applaud but when the poet speaks the whole world reacts in silence

    Poem Commentary

    Nomatter how much we may try, sometimes we just can't understand the chemistry that gives birth to the affection we have for other people. Even the mere thought of them makes blood ooze with an invigorating rush within our veins. This feeling is what we call love.

    How many centuries did it take?

    How many centuries did it take?

    For he who sculpted you to achieve such a perfection of form

    A form of which no space is worth its presence

    A form of which no other form is worth its company

    A form of which to touch it is the dream of all living forms especially me


    Your eyes are like oceans, drowning me for daring to look into them

    Your eyebrows are like canes, giving me a blinded sweet hope

    Your skin is a soft bed of sorrow from tomorrow, clothed in bliss

    Directing me smoothly to the glowing warmth of your kiss


    No man on earth could ever calculate the equation,

    The equation that has given rise to such elegance

    Is it the way you glide along with such grace?

    Is it the glowing beauty of your perfectly fair face?

    Is it the glow of your smile which puts the sun to shame and disgrace?

    Is it the fact that you never refused my humble plea?

    When you accepted the offer of love from a humble being like me

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    Crush commented on How many centuries did it take?


    wonderful tribute and what love is all about. i like the bravery of this write, how you put yourself out there. isn't that what love is all about ? at least most of it ? well done.



    Thanks a lot Crush. Most of the times love is all about risking not to be loved back, that's an act of bravery. Being loved back therefore comes as a bonus.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    MorsetBillie’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I long for that moment 1
    How many centuries did it take? 1
    I long for love 0
    The Dream 0
    My Soul Seeks Heaven 0
    My Friend 0
    All I feel is hurt 0
    I Fear Your Greatness 1
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