Hero of Darkness


Hero of Darkness

When the sun sets, and darkness comes
with evil intents, and many guns
one lone figure stands tall
to defeat the evil that threatens all
I am the Deathblade
my fury never fades
the light keeps me sane
my courage never wanes
the night is my lord, my sire
I will never tire
Evil beware, you and the like
I will be there, waiting to strike
daemons beware, when you come to plunder
I will be there, to tear you asunder.

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SatansAngel commented on Hero of Darkness


That was amazing. I have two poems you may like. They are like the first two I put out. And that is getting a ten XD .. I really liked it :)

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Deathblade15’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Deceit of Desire 0
Keeper of the Night 1
The Greatest Treasure 2
Hero of Darkness 1
Flower of Hope 1
His Passion 3
Cleanse The Sky 1