Flower of Hope


  • Anger

    Flower of Hope

    The armies begin their conquest of glory

    Generals shout, as the masters of war

    For the soldiers to march to the quarry

    Archers rise up, in hand are their bows

    Javelins in front, their spears reared back

    Axes sharpened waiting for the enemy

    While scouts go forward, ahead of the pack

    The rest eat, their daily granary

    The scouts return, back to their masters

    “they won’t let up, they will stay true

    They won’t surrender, they’ve readied stone casters”

    The general slammed his fist, which was heard in Tim-buck-too

    “men its time to fight, we will not flee,

    My children of war its time to play”

    All cheered while the general mounted up

    He shouted out, “with me!”

    Thus all flew into the fray

    Swords clashed

    Shields clanged

    Flesh was slashed

    And heads were banged

    After days of fighting the battle was won

    Bodies were littered about, blood soaked the soil

    The soldiers went home, the job was done

    The dead were left to boil

    Days later as bodies decayed

    Out from the earth sprouted the tiniest flower

    Its recent endeavor, unfortunately, delayed

    But no one was there to see it bloom with power

    Today it shows us that even in great darkness

    That a tiny light shimmers with much brightness

    That with a little faith, magic, and hope

    In tough situations we can learn to cope.

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    baddreams commented on Flower of Hope


    nice poem

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Deathblade15’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Deceit of Desire 0
    Keeper of the Night 1
    The Greatest Treasure 2
    Hero of Darkness 1
    Flower of Hope 1
    His Passion 3
    Cleanse The Sky 1