Cleanse The Sky


  • Religion

    Cleanse The Sky

    The Spiritual Advisor at our school Mrs. Fairbanks left Brady for a while because her mother passed away. So my Theology teacher had us write condolence cards and I thought why not write a poem on it. So I share this to the world today.

    Let the light cleanse the sky
    Let the pain be brushed aside
    In my bed I lie
    And soon the World will I bid goodbye.
    As I leave do not feel sorrow
    For I will be watching over you tomorrow
    As I leave do not cry
    For I will be with Him in the sky.
    Do not show any fear
    Just know I am here
    The light has cleansed the sky
    And the pain has been brushed aside.

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    baddreams commented on Cleanse The Sky


    what a crying poem but very nice.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Deathblade15’s Poems (7)

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    Deceit of Desire 0
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    The Greatest Treasure 2
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    Cleanse The Sky 1