Hear Ye


  • Life

    Hear Ye

    To the next generation, I stand accountable and apologize,
    For the secrets that were kept and the spreading of lies.
    Caught in the middle and know I have to speak,
    It's your lack of information that keeps you vulnerable and weak.
    We taught you of technology but forgot affection and love.
    Didn't tell you that coping skills are acquired from above.
    Should've confessed that we didn't know what to do,
    instead of fucking up the planet and your future for you.

    Despite our errors, I'll stand and lift my voice,
    Know IN ALL THINGS, you do have a choice.
    Sex isn't all that the world claims it to be.
    Not with teen pregnancy, AIDS and HIV.
    Expand your minds which will increase your knowledge,
    Dumb ain't cute, so go ya ass to college.
    Learn the system to insure that you'll stay.
    Prepared for the world, God will get you through the day.

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    ChildOfGod’s Poems (5)

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