

  • Health


    You came in here to prey on the compassion of others
    Cause no one in here’s givin’ criticism that is constructive
    So here’s the illest word you’ve ever heard, I’m burstin’ ya bubble
    Your raps will never bring success, keep on workin’ fo’ ya brotha
    Quit actin like famous money cause of a home and a truck
    You told me how much/ you make and you sound broke as tha fuck
    After insurance and rent are paid, only enough to get drunk
    Swallow to wallow away from the lone fact that you suck
    Matter of fact
    quit rappin’ you’re done, try to get some food in your lips
    Educate yourself, drop out the school of the twits,
    Your friends are lickin’ your dick, you think that proves that you win?
    You think it’s a truthful opinion?
    All it proves is all of your friends are fucking stupid as shit
    Shannon and the poet not included in this
    Not exclusively, I know those two are cool on my list,
    You say I’m scared then you say you want a truce from the diss?
    Maybe you should man-up and do as they did
    Apologize, for making yourself come through like a bitch
    The champ?
    You’re a chump, fool, and a unfit
    This is adult swim, get the fuck out the pool little kid
    Your words hold no weight like women with miscarriages
    And your disses suck more dick than states with gay marriages
    This is the shit that disparages a fairly decent writer
    For some apprentice little fighter just declaring he’s the tightest
    Apparently you’ll never real eyes, keep wearing blinders
    I’d be too if I were you, but I’m not, I’m enlightened
    (nay, nay)
    You’re in here spittin’ game to women livin’ in distant states
    Cybersex is the only way ill’s been getting laid
    I bet your asshole twitches every time you “print my name”
    This shit’s insane, half of your last diss was homoerotic
    I’m not callin’ you a fag, just approaching the content
    That’s an awful lot of thoughts to dwell on for one concept
    I mean, honestly, dude, that’s a revealing insight to your consciousness. Certainly more thoughts than the average heterosexual male has regularly. I understand the dominating nature of the idea but you seem dangerously over-saturated in homoerotic fantasy. I don’t claim to be a psychoanalyst, but I think you subconsciously equate the idea of dominance with fucking another man in the ass. Furthermore, I think you are shameful of this part of your psyche and project your insecurities upon others. It has become obvious to me that I am not dealing with a secure adult, and I feel the guilt of having stricken a defenseless child.
    What are you but another fractal of God; who am I to judge?
    But how to remedy this? How could I end all this sin?
    Should I not post this on my page and instead directly send you the diss?
    Then If you publicly apologize, no one get’s wind of it.
    I doubt,
    Maybe I should give you the benefit of it.
    Cause I bet if we met when you didn’t have your chin in your dick
    I’d never have went to this extent to slip in the ritual shiv
    We are both indiscipline, eccentric egotistical
    Only difference in it is I needed you to see most
    So for gloatin’ I treated you like an effigy goat
    Chosen to sacrifice the weakest soulja, showed ya you need to beat me to boast.
    I told you I slit your throat at the throne in my previous post
    Well this one is for releasing the ghost, leavin’ the host
    Whether you believe me or don’t
    I can see through the holes in your armor, you are completely exposed

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    kym commented on Healmatic


    wow.... when you write these are you angry

    lovinsmind commented on Healmatic


    AWESOME AWESOME i totaly love this its just great to hear these things they are all totaly true!

    khulama commented on Healmatic


    your words is strong. and yah flow is crazy. =]

    MikeSiZaChrist commented on Healmatic


    This is a piece meant to be offensive and to attack one person, a self proclaimed king, illmatic. He has since deleted his account and i wear this as a badge of shame/pride...Perhaps it's taken too far...perhaps he needed to see these words...if you don't like it for it's demeaning content or disagree with the demons encased within it, know that only I can see my own mistakes and we will have both been wrong all along. I had my reasons, some just and some ego-driven.

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    MikeSiZaChrist’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Mantra 0
    rap 0
    Feels Good to be a Dick 2
    Rhymes Written on a Paycheck Envelope 1
    New Shit 0
    Guilt And Selfishness 18
    Spring Forward, Fall Back 1
    More Than Half-Fair 1
    Dead Words 3
    Recess Ends 2
    Love/Hate Relationship 3
    I'ma MuthaFuckin Streetcar! 0
    Wonder of Shadow Thought 1
    4 (i am no human) 2
    Healmatic 5
    Fat Head (Gold Molder) 4
    Mind Fermentation 3
    I don't Wanna Talk 3
    Certainly Better Than Heaven 3
    Will 6
    Gramophiles 3
    Marinated Cigarettes 1
    Brain-Eating Zombies 2
    The Towering Phallic Papacy Prophecies 3
    It's All Sunshine 2
    The Intriguing Discourse of Heliographers 4
    Color Mantra 1
    Is It? 15
    Symbols Misinterprete
    d just like ice cream