Is It?


  • Passion

    Is It?

    Words words words
    Are a chore of a charm
    Crafting alliteration for your entertainment
    Muddying the myriad of my pure intentions
    Are words caste with weight
    Where lighted lures and hooks drag
    Exotic bait
    for weird fishes
    To take,
    to kill, with ritual dagger, to eat


    The dancing, It is threads, It is glances
    It is our fleeting stances
    It Is
    The resin in my bowl
    It Is
    The cigarettes in hand and ashtray
    It Is
    Words hallowed from once hollowed happenings
    It Is
    The mundane made profound- by the- sound- of my- mouth
    IT IS
    The nonsense of my jargon, not quite obvious as sarcasm, it is (lulz)
    It Is falling so long it feels like flying
    It Is revelation, surrender
    It Is mental altars to honor celestials
    It Is good and bad so why bother it's balanced

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    Hiporlacking commented on Is It?


    There is a lot of imagery here. I like how you acknowledge that a lot of the things you say are nonsensical. Put me at ease. I didn't feel so bad for not getting "It"

    avengingangel commented on Is It?


    very cool llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

    Illuminato commented on Is It?


    Passion drives your forth to write beyond the normal flow Deep your insights, upon human pathway of mortal strife Greater is your ability to transcend, mundane of woe Bravo! - Your muses varied - Etched with passion's knife ~*~ Mir!

    Swann commented on Is It?


    Very good poem, I loved your flow and word choice. It is, was a great two words to build around, it is can mean so much, whatever you want it to.



    to me it= matter; is= time

    Writer1 commented on Is It?


    Ok, I'm HOOKED! Glad you recommended reading this one first (still haven't gotten to the others), but THIS was blew me away. Awesome writing, and it resonated. Very nice.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MikeSiZaChrist’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Mantra 0
    rap 0
    Feels Good to be a Dick 2
    Rhymes Written on a Paycheck Envelope 1
    New Shit 0
    Guilt And Selfishness 18
    Spring Forward, Fall Back 1
    More Than Half-Fair 1
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    Wonder of Shadow Thought 1
    4 (i am no human) 2
    Healmatic 5
    Fat Head (Gold Molder) 4
    Mind Fermentation 3
    I don't Wanna Talk 3
    Certainly Better Than Heaven 3
    Will 6
    Gramophiles 3
    Marinated Cigarettes 1
    Brain-Eating Zombies 2
    The Towering Phallic Papacy Prophecies 3
    It's All Sunshine 2
    The Intriguing Discourse of Heliographers 4
    Color Mantra 1
    Is It? 15
    Symbols Misinterprete
    d just like ice cream