Have you..


Have you..

Have you often stopped and wondered
Where you should have been by now
Why the the hands of fate could be so cruel
About the many times you fell
Do you ever feel so lonely?
That there is no one on your side
Did you ever have one of those days
Where you just sat down and cried?
Do you try real hard to find happiness
But when it's there you find something wrong
You don't take the time to enjoy it
So it never really last very long
Do you feel like no one even knows you
Like you don't even know who you are
Are you so lost that you want to give up
Because you think you've already gone to far
Is the road that you've taken the wrong one
But you can't admit it out loud
Can you look at all your accomplishments
And honestly say that your proud?
Is there times that you need help
To get your life back on track
But that would be admitting your wrong
And thats something you just can't hack
Is the person lying next to you a stranger
Even though your together everyday
Is there ever a time that you wonder
Why he can't help you find your way?
Do you fight all the time over nothing
Or stay quiet when words need to be said
Do you have your backs to eachother
At night when you go to bed
Is all the weight of the world on your shoulders
And it's too much to handle on your own
Do you want to give up on love and life
In a crowd do you still feel alone
There are so many different situations
So many problems that come our way
But the worst thing you can do about them
Is to face them “another day”
Cause that day never comes and this ones gone
You just wasted a chance to really live
To smile and laugh, to enjoy what you have,
accept an apology, or to forgive
What most people never realize
Is that time is going by so fast
You may not get that second chance
And you can't relive the past
Everyone is going through something
And they all probably feel like you do
But how will you know if you don't say a word
It takes more than one to make it through
You can't do it alone so stop trying
Don't be afraid to learn from mistakes
Don't you want to find the person inside you
Do you really enjoy being so fake?

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charmlessman2d commented on Have you..


i actually joined this site because i was feeling this way. very strange to have found this poem on my 4th straight day here just reading peoples poems. thank you. it helps!

Romano commented on Have you..


Life's lessons at its best is described by every line, if you live you fall, if you love you fall short every time...why, i like it

BRAINCELL commented on Have you..


excellent poem.

dahlusion commented on Have you..


The concept here is a good one, only, I feel you could have said it, all of it, with a lot less words—— this is an excellent poem for those who "feel" left out, or "feel" like a failure. Good job!

xxlheart commented on Have you..


wow, this is beyond a good poem. an inspirational masterpiece. thought provoking enhanced with a solid core of questions throughout. did i mention this is an excellent poem? very pleased to have read you.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

sabrina’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Journey 1
Have you.. 7
Reflections 6