

  • Loneliness


    Black and curly smoke is moving up
    Bearing the dreams and desires of a man
    Along with his soul, still disliking to leave the world!
    Though he was a truth until last day
    In the hearts of nears and dears he is nothing today!
    There are thousands stands around in silence
    Afraid of death that comes to hug them too,
    Giving no warning with silent steps towards.
    Some are here and there with murmmerings,
    No tears from any eyes are falling down.
    Flames taste his flush with its bloody long tounges
    With yawnings in their lucks and delights.
    Everything lasts within minutes as a dream,
    All are dispersed giving shake-hands eachother.
    Some are moving as philosophers and consoles:
    ‘Body may lose, but the soul will never die’.
    Somebody reminds: ‘Nothing to do here with tears,
    All are in the hands of the Lord who controlls.’
    Friends say eachother in ears, looking at the funeral:
    ‘When he was alive howmuch sins he did
    Telling ruthless words and senseless deeds!’
    Each leaves forgetting the scene and sharing funs at last
    Consoling his wife with their stumbling tones very fast.
    She crys aloud recollecting her lover and says:
    ‘Let me live in the sweet memory of him until the end’.
    Though everyone goes on their duties as usual
    I am still at the graveyard; for nobody knows
    The man whom the tounges of flames are tasting
    Very sweet on the funeral is nobody else!....
                              - Kesavan Kavumthara 

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    BikemanRJ commented on Graveyard


    Body may lose but the soul will never die All are in the hands of Lord who controls. Very spiritual I liked the poem interesting writing. God Bless BikemanRJ

    ginga commented on Graveyard


    Kesa, A poignant poem of the ceremonial throng that await the man's cremation. Your sense of melancholy mixed with non-nonchalance for those who seem not to care much is riveting. ginga

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    kesavkavumthara’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Prayer 13
    The Property 11
    Let Me Alone 6
    The Rose! 7
    Your Eyes 2
    Graveyard 2
    You will come back 2
    Farewell with a smile 2