• kensingh1970
  • She is always on my mind. She was my lucky charm

Poem Commentary

How the heart cries when a partner chooses to walk out of lovers life after dveling it for more than a decade


You asked me to leave without a sigh! or heave!

Leaving me with no chance to retrieve

In a jiffy more than a decades of love was done

is that what i meant to you Hun

All doors closed and all roads leading to dead end

Nothing any more between us to come

From everything, overnight a stranger I had become


A doubt arises was it luv or a fling

That without hesitating you chose to swing

No reasons were given

You had already decided that I was to be driven

It seems out of your life 

As I refused to accept you as wife


We never loved with ifs and buts

Neither was i bastard nor were u a slut

That in love we would seek return

We chose to just give and let our heart burn

Then why this sudden turn

That i suddenly became none of your concern


It seems your mind was made

From your life I had to fade

All those promises and woes forgotten

I became a man so rotten

You chose to sway away

Looking da other way

Walked out of the house

And left without a grouse


Even though from the beginning I never promised everything

As I could offer nothing

You still chose to love and stay

Delving a burrow in my heart to make your way

To capture my brain too as heart was already done

Falling all my attempts to let you know my heart was no more to burgeon


Even though your presence gave me happiness galore

I could not let u suffer while I score

I loved and loved and never played chess

That’s why wen u left I never made a fuss


You were to go one day

Leaving me alone in midway

Like all good things it had to come to an end

Without taking note of time together we spend


You leaving was expected and anticipated

But your style of leaving was neither girded nor in our love whetted

There were no farewells and no goodbyes

Even did not turn back to hear my silent shrills and cries

You left as if I was not a human but a toy

With whom u chose to play

When bored and fed up I was just kicked away

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americanwal commented on GOODBYE


An excellant narration of feelings when da love departs

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

kensingh1970’s Poems (60)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Blooming Love 0
Let me be doused in your love 0
She loves me still 0
Limit 0
Wanted of the Unwanted 1
Death 0
We have fallen apart 0
Pain 0
Am I being selfish or beginning to change? 0
One day you are gone look back and regret 0
My Darling Mom 0
All set to Roll 0
Life Without You 0
Whose child will he be called? 0
Dream 0
Why me? 0
I Am Busy 0
A night so long 0
Opportunity 0
Happy New Year 0
My first son was born 0
Life Moves on 0
When will you understand me? 1
Change 0
Eyes 0
My little journey 0
Rain 0
Heaven on Earth 1
I loved them Both 1
A Night with you 0
Love under stars 0
A Glimpse 0
Awaiting your return 0
We made love 1
I missed her by a day 1
The Unsung Hero's 0
Who is to Account 0
I cant share you with anyone 0
Valentine wish from a Broken Heart 2
Good Bye 0
I was stunned 0
New Year 0
Mother to her Son 0
Is this True Love 0
The woman I love 0
My first kiss 0
I am sorry 0
My first date with you 0
What you mean to me 0
My last Love 0
Don't lose Heart 1
Thinking of You 2
My Love 0
Birthday Gift 1
You are my missing piece 1