• kensingh1970
  • She is always on my mind. She was my lucky charm

Poem Commentary

Every minute we think of GOD for everything we want and do and yet when it comes to paying Obeisance we either run out of time or feel shy even thou we know or life is our karmas.



Is it you to whom I pray to daily?

Is it you I look up to when I have lost all hope?

Is it you to whom I solicit before exams?

Is it you I implore when I miss my mom and family?

Is it you who shows me light when I grope in dark?

Is it you who heals my wounds when I am wounded?

Is it you whom I yell for when I am shivering with fear?

Is it you I call to undone what is not properly done?

Is it you I seek refuge when bullets are firing from all around?

Is it you who I believe will sail me forever?

Is it you whose name I love to chant?

Is it you when I my heart is hurt I cry to?

Is it you I ask when I am hungry

Is it you I gaze when someone as beautiful as you comes into my life

Is it you I stare when I am in trouble

Is it you I chide when you don’t give me what I want

Is it you who will fulfill all my dreams

Is it is you whose blessing I seek to be blessed with a child

Is it you whom I pray to when doctors say I am done

Is it you I fold my hands too when I am dying

Is it you I cherish when I come out alive

Is it you I promise to remember when you fulfill all my wishes and dreams


If it is so den who are you?

What should I call you?

GOD, Christ, Allah, Rama, Buddha, Waheguru or Ishwar

Whatever is your name I don’t care?

Without you life today I can’t dare

So I believe in you

I promise you that,

If a boat can sail through the vast ocean

Just remaining five inches above the ocean

Then why can’t I sail through this world happily

Just chanting your name for minutes every day

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

kensingh1970’s Poems (60)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Blooming Love 0
Let me be doused in your love 0
She loves me still 0
Limit 0
Wanted of the Unwanted 1
Death 0
We have fallen apart 0
Pain 0
Am I being selfish or beginning to change? 0
One day you are gone look back and regret 0
My Darling Mom 0
All set to Roll 0
Life Without You 0
Whose child will he be called? 0
Dream 0
Why me? 0
I Am Busy 0
A night so long 0
Opportunity 0
Happy New Year 0
My first son was born 0
Life Moves on 0
When will you understand me? 1
Change 0
Eyes 0
My little journey 0
Rain 0
Heaven on Earth 1
I loved them Both 1
A Night with you 0
Love under stars 0
A Glimpse 0
Awaiting your return 0
We made love 1
I missed her by a day 1
The Unsung Hero's 0
Who is to Account 0
I cant share you with anyone 0
Valentine wish from a Broken Heart 2
Good Bye 0
I was stunned 0
New Year 0
Mother to her Son 0
Is this True Love 0
The woman I love 0
My first kiss 0
I am sorry 0
My first date with you 0
What you mean to me 0
My last Love 0
Don't lose Heart 1
Thinking of You 2
My Love 0
Birthday Gift 1
You are my missing piece 1