Foster Child's Poem


  • Death

    Foster Child's Poem

    Why did you send me this fate
    I want to let go of all of this hate.
    I yell and scream, I beg and plead.
    Don't let me feel this sadness and need.
    Stop this voice who is yelling in my ear
    I don't want to deal with this inner fear.
    How can she be the mother I love?
    Lord please help me from up above.
    She leaves this world in dispair
    I can't help but think; life's not fair
    Why did she do this to me?
    Why coudn't she be the mother I need?
    I could've been the best son for her
    I still can be a doctor or a lawyer
    After so long of being away
    Now I catch myself totally afraid.
    God Please help me, I feel I can't breathe
    Why did she leave me? Please bring her back to me!!!
    I need her, I loved her, she was my all.
    Why couldn't she be there when I fall
    Give me one more chance, just one more
    Life could be so much better, I want her to adore.
    I rip at my life and material things
    There could've been something: love, I could bring
    I love you, my mother, regardless of our past
    No matter what anger I won't last.
    Give me your arms mother
    I promise not to be a bother.
    I could love everyone as one
    and be with you when the day is done.
    Please Come Back I need you til today
    Please don't leave me in this empty way.

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    Deacon5 commented on Foster Child's Poem


    I have three kids that are in foster care at this moment,you poem make me want to do everything that I can to get them back into my life.Not that I didn't before, but you've made me think of how they feel and I promise to get them back!



    I wish you all the best of luck. I've known many foster children and I always pray that they have something to do with their original families.

    Photojan12 commented on Foster Child's Poem


    This is so impressive. You capture the heart and pain of the abandoned child. If this happened to you I hope you have found comfort



    thank you. this did not happen to me but it has happened to someone whom I've never met, but somebody told me about.

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    ptrbltbtch’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Do You? 0
    finally 1
    Death 0
    Trying to be with a broken man 1
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    Foster Child's Poem 2
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