Forever in a dream


  • Love

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    Forever in a dream

    In my dreams it's still the same
    We run,we laugh,we play,and we sing
    You hold my hand tight , your at my side
    Your eyes so beautiful,along with your smile
    We make love,we kiss, and we hug
    Together we walk into the unknown
    afraid,but strong and brave
    We leap into the unknown , we catch each other if one should fall
    Everything is so beautiful in my dreams
    We are so happy,so perfect, so sweet
    We walk forever,and ever, into the sunset
    We fade away in the horizon,in a world were nothing can go wrong
    We fade away,together forever,our love is so strong
    It is so amazing,so beautiful
    So much happiness,so much love
    Being with you in my dreams, I wish I would die in my sleep, so there I can stay
    But instead I wake with tears in my eyes,pain in my heart,throat lumpy,
    it tears me apart.
    Every day I look for you,I hope to see you somewhere ,,everywhere I go
    I hope to hear your voice, to hear you tell me you love me
    Everyday I miss you so much
    My days are empty , long,and lonely
    Without you love I am worthless.

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    WordSlinger commented on Forever in a dream


    I love all of this, feeling every line, But I think you are worth something, and your skills to write like this is priceless.



    Thank YOu! YOur comments are very inspirational and motivating. You seem like a very caring person as well.The world can definately use more people like you, I know I definately can!

    ccslim commented on Forever in a dream


    wOOt sweet write! Cradled in the sereneness of a dream then back to ugg reality! Super content and flows good!

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Heartbeat44’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Somebody stop me!" 0
    Reason to smile 0
    Yesterday was wonderful 0
    Forever in a dream 2
    Alone and in love 0
    I think of you 2
    My heart is home 1
    Much too late 4