

  • Emotional




    You know what I go through.

    But yet you still tease

    I don’t understand

    How it can come with such ease.


    Maybe I’m not as developed

    Or maybe I’m just weird

    I feel like the lady and the carnival

    You know the one with the beard.


    Yes I have fingers…

    If anyone wants to know

    Just because they aren’t as long as yours

    Doesn’t mean I’m a freak show


    I’m tired of being looked at

    As lesser of a person

    I wish you could be in my shoes

    Then maybe you would learn somethin’


    Then wana ask me why

    I act the way I do.

    All I do is smile and say

    It’s because of people like  you


    Feel like I have to try harder

    Just to get boys

    Turns out when I do that…

    I end up getting used like a toy


    It’s like I need Mederma for the inside of me

    Because all you want to do is rip up every part of me

    Showing no evidence accept the scars inside

    And they are not one’s I can easily hide.


    It’s whatever though

    Because I really don’t care

    No more of these teases

    That I cannot bear

    Poem Comments


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    NyNy100 commented on fingers


    love the poem! as long as you love you, anyone else dont matter. wnt 2 give u a big shout out cuz i believe in u, keep up da good work and keep ya head up God n down 2 lies, push and pray till sumtin happen. ~reppen charlotte 2 da dealth of me~

    lonelynotalone commented on fingers


    this reminds me of the dark time in my life, when i didnt want to get back up on my feet. people used to make fun of me all the time because ive been "big boned" my whole life. I finally learn to accept and love myself. If someone teases you about anything, it means they have something to hide. It could be something you see, or something you might not, but its there.




    modica3 commented on fingers


    keep up the good work and keep ur head up, only god can judge; don't worry what others say. keep writing ur poems and finish school, once people see u on top of things..they'll be running after u.... stay sweet........modica3

    hdmac commented on fingers


    Good poem. I'm glad you just came out with what you have and laid it on the table like that. Be encouraged.



    thanks! i will...

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    poet4lyfe’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Untitled 0
    This Christmas Here 0
    MY BOO 0
    MY FAULT 0
    Pretty Faces 2
    My Pretty Face 1
    fingers 5
    smoke 1
    he loves me 1