Find Cheer In Your Tear


Find Cheer In Your Tear

I know life seems rough today

But there’s always tomorrow

Find hope in what you dismay

Do not bind yourself to sorrow


Find strength inside your tears

Formed from heartfelt compassion

Wisdom gained from many years

Of moments birthed in passion


Find cheer in the revelation

That hope prevails over despair

That life presents celebration

In this existence that we share


Find solace in your soul

That you are so unique

Faith be the golden rule

When happiness you seek


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Dancer022597 commented on Find Cheer In Your Tear


Awesome job dude! I can toally realate tp what u r saying! Do not bling yourself to sorrow should be In sorrow though! Other than that great job! Keep it up!

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

WillCurl1’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
No Sweetness In My Sorrow 4
Part Of You Has Faded 2
You Looked Like You Were Sleeping 0
The Light 3
Find Cheer In Your Tear 1
Not Just A Father 2
Can We Find Peace, Please 3
New Love 4