Can We Find Peace, Please


Can We Find Peace, Please

So many live in this world of ours

As many as a moon lit sky has stars

Each human being a special work of art

The gift of a mind, a soul and a heart


There is nothing these people can’t do

When minds are clear and hearts are true

Yet there is suffering on both land and sea

So many confronting pain and misery


Conflicts over borders and what they believe

Only leave Mothers around the world to grieve

They raise their children and watch them grow

And when they have grown off to war they go


If this world will survive we must find a way

There is no tomorrow less we take care of today

Let us settle our disputes over a good cup of tea

If only we could what a better world this would be


For the sake of every man, women and child

Hold your hands up high and shout it out loud

And just perhaps the plea will soar upon a breeze

And ask of the world “Can We Find Peace, Please”?

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bforibus commented on Can We Find Peace, Please


An excellent concept. and if this world was mine it would be. but it isn't and im left with the right to pursue my hearts content. it's just some people's heart is corrupted. the flow was gr8 and the message was clear and to the point. great visuals as well

passionsdance commented on Can We Find Peace, Please


I like dthis alot . It speaks of something that is so hard to find, even in the common everyday household. I like your choice of words and my favorite stanza was the last one . Very good indeed .

SmileyAngel138 commented on Can We Find Peace, Please


beautiful ad truthful at the same time...hope one day our world will find some peace...another great one :-)



Thanks SmileyAngel I am glad you liked them. I truly value your opinion. Thanks, Will

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

WillCurl1’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
No Sweetness In My Sorrow 4
Part Of You Has Faded 2
You Looked Like You Were Sleeping 0
The Light 3
Find Cheer In Your Tear 1
Not Just A Father 2
Can We Find Peace, Please 3
New Love 4