Ever Wondered Why


  • Philosophy

    Ever Wondered Why

    Ever Wondered Why

    Have you ever wondered why- we feel the way we do
    All the games that we play- let our hearts go astray
    Oh, so....so sad

    Have you ever wondered why- love fades so fast
    Like water through your hands- it's given up to chance
    Oh, so....so sad

    We seem to settle in our bitter ways- embrace a numbing truce

    A needed rescue from this cold, dark place- our masquerades reduce

    Weighted down by a worlds ideals- embedded in our souls

    Lucidity's escaped our grasp- our lives a murky dull

    Have you ever wondered why- we hate the way we do
    By the color of their skin- judgement is our sin
    Oh, so....so sad

    Have you ever wondered why- choose war over peace
    All the doves have flown the coup- money stacked up to the roof
    Oh, so....so sad

    A desperate call in a tempest wind- the howling drowns our cry

    Our joy is tempered with a shadows hope- a horizon's darkened sky

    Our motions driven by the heartless rythm- steadied by the beat

    Like soldiers marching to awaiting graves- bury our defeat

    Have you ever wondered why, we stumble in the race
    Ambition's choking grip- our dreams seem to slip
    Oh, so....so sad

    Have you ever wondered why- we give away to pride
    We're afraid to let go- don't dare lose control
    Oh, so....so sad

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    chip’s Poems (4)

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