Each Time


Each Time

each time i pass

a furtive glance

deep into your eyes,

i cringe –

just a little -

for those eyes

drive to fore,

the buried dreams,

held deep within.


images of dancing close,

holding my love tightly,

cheek brushing cheek,

breath drawing breath,

a warm embrace – shared,

yet – even faced with

that ever-so-light twinge the

embrace causes,


i cannot refuse to look at you,

speak with you,

plan with you,

for to do so would deny

me, and these feelings

that desire

so much to run rampant,

yet, i hold in check.


but — each glance,

each smile,

each simple chance

meeting of our eyes,

provides depth

to these desires

and draws them

one step closer

to reality!

 From Mon Amor dans le Vers
(c) 2001 by c a gallgaher

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

cagallagher’s Poems (14)

Title Comments
Title Comments
“Tiger” 2
... And 2
Yes, You Are 4
My Craft 4
Brilliant Presence 1
Lucky One He 1
Thoughts 0
Sea Quest III 0
Sea Quest II 0
Sea Quest I 0
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Each Time 0
Two Loves 1
Ashley 1