Dreaming with her


  • Love

    Dreaming with her

    We’re holding hands on a shiny land field, is everything we looking at, all real-
    Laying on the ground pointing at the clouds, feels like the time stop, like a ball player out of bounds-
    We run down hill with are hands tight together; we find a clear blue ocean with beautiful weather-
    When we kiss, nothing else can get better, but it does, just seeing her beautiful face just melts my eyes.
    She is beautiful like a sunset, as I see her smiling at me, it just reminded me of we first met-
    As we sit there kissing and hugging, we hear something,’ What is that buzzing.”-
    It was glowing and flying, just beautiful! So we follow it, things just seem so suitable-
    We follow it into dark green forest, we see small houses, and some small ass horses-
    We look at each other and said “was following this light a mistake, im just scared my ass going get raped-
    I told her,” if anything happen to me, just run”, she said “no im staying with you huns”.
    As we sit there wondering what is this light, it was a fairy in need for a favor, its been searching all night-
    He takes us to a tree, big as can be, I see a lot of eyes in the dark looking at me-
    It told us it need two couples with an extraordinary connection, an connection you can get once in many years, when my town heard of you two, it brought us many tears!-
    He needed us to save his town, we gladly said yes! Things are amazing now-
    Me and her kiss and hold hands, the place is spinning, things growing in the lands-
    Everything’s growing fast; the place went from dirty to clean, like just taking a bath-
    We finish kissing, the fairy said,” hold on, something’s missing, so we kissed one more time, we healed up a dead flower, it opened up and shined- it was beautiful! A greenesh kinda lime-
    The fairy and its people thanked us the for clearing the mist, now that we are strong enough you can grant one wish-
    I asked her if she wanted to make the wish, she said “no, just make sure you make me apart of this”.-
    As im about to make my wish, I wake up!! Im looking at Leola and present her with a kiss-
    As she still sleeps, she smiles an say’ hurry up with your wish the forest is about to rain-
    Little does she know we were dreaming the same-

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    Nataly commented on Dreaming with her


    awwwwwwwww you have an unbelievable talent! wow this was really really nice. i cant stop saying awwww lo cute

    Vytori commented on Dreaming with her


    This poem is very well written. You are talented and I think you know that. Jus keep up the good work! I can't wait to read the rest!

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    troy30344’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Hot Night 0
    Bamboozle 0
    Me and you 0
    Thinking about her part 2 1
    Dreaming with her 2
    Thinking about her! 5
    Creation 1