Dream big, smile small


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    Dream big, smile small

    Dream big, smile small. One of these days expect to fall. Life is short yet so divine. It makes you want it less with time. Broken smiles, and broken hearts. Seems to always leave its mark. How to always be so free. To forget my past, and just be me. To watch my world decay with time. To live my life in one big rhyme. Dream big, smile, small. One of these days your destined to fall. Do not Dennie. Do not mistake. For one of these days you are meant to break. We are only so stable in a world that is unable to cope with all its sadness. In the end we our a world of madness. Caught in between real and fake. Make no mistake. We are destined to break. We will lose it all. Dream big, smile small, one of these days expect to fall.

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    WordSlinger commented on Dream big, smile small


    I really like this, The title is the shit, keep dream righting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ok

    Chrisjan commented on Dream big, smile small


    This is a very well written poem. The talent you share, with a heart full of caring, yet your eyes remain open. Thanks for sharing.

    wildcry commented on Dream big, smile small


    I'm so glad I finely found some good poetry. You, young lady, have a gift not many share at so tender of age. I wish you dated your poems. I see improvement and wonder which poems you wrote first. Visit my website,please www. Boyd Freeman.com If you need a friend I will be there.



    thank you i'm actually glad someone to time to notice and read my poem and i am glad you like it. I went to your web site but for some reason I couldn't find it...anyway thank you again



    thank you i'm actually glad someone to time to notice and read my poem and i am glad you like it. I went to your web site but for some reason I couldn't find it...anyway thank you again

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    deathsolo’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Falling away from you 1
    Please don't go 0
    She forgot who she was 1
    what you have made me 0
    Miss you 1
    To 0
    Deeper 0
    she 2
    confussed 4
    Dream big, smile small 3
    To live, to love, to hurt, to cry 1
    were no more 0
    Day 1
    Love me for me 1
    DARK 1
    Trapped 0
    Giving In 2