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As I look around, I am unstable

I no longer feel like I am able.

Able to carry on with my smile.

I have to play pretend just to be happy awhile. In my own little world, condemed by the dark, I feel nothing but hurt in my ustable heart. The pain is surreal the thoughts in my head, all around you, I feel dead. Incapable of being loved, is that who I've become. All progressed by the past that held  no sun.

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Chrisjan commented on DARK


You are very gifted with writting. But your focus gets lost, ie, thoughts in my head, all around you, I feel dead. Who is You ? Your are destine to be published. Thanks for sharing.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

deathsolo’s Poems (17)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Falling away from you 1
Please don't go 0
She forgot who she was 1
what you have made me 0
Miss you 1
To 0
Deeper 0
she 2
confussed 4
Dream big, smile small 3
To live, to love, to hurt, to cry 1
were no more 0
Day 1
Love me for me 1
Trapped 0
Giving In 2