Creativity II


Poem Commentary

This poem is just like Creativity II. I have learned a lot from the first poem and trying to express my feelings. This I written after MJ's memorial and death. Something just hit me in the head and it's still stuck in my head "Dare to dream". I love somebody who is inspirational and motivational and is enduring forever, but not someone who would hesitate at anything. Although, something else has made me to move on to be a stronger person. So, poetry/songs/movies/stories are my chain of creativity. I love my creativeness and I can eat everyday with it. And yes, Michael Jackson, you are the master of creativity. TY, brother/lover/friend.


Creativity II

A pink cappuccino for a day/A lot of love that blends into it/A lot of peace that surrounds me when I drink it/On a sunny pink day/Nothing like a storm/It makes you fall asleep/When there is so much going on/But only one thing I know of/I can’t wait to get in my own bed/I surely wish I was in my own place where I can have my own space/This creative thing it runs through my veins/All the dreams I have are lined up ready to go/I guess I don’t have any fear/And maybe I do/What is this list in my hand?/Where did it come from?/Things are ready and listed/Waiting for me to accomplish them/I don’t know what’s first or what’s last/It’s like what MJ said “Dare to dream”/Look in between those lines and what do you see?/You see a possibility ready to be open up/The rest of the lines are made history/Things that are already done; they’ve been checked off/When you look back, you have memories/When you look forward, you are trying to make a goal/You look at any direction/You are looking for a path to lead you/You might not understand it/You’ll be just fine if you ask/If you don’t ask, you can run into problems/Maybe your intuition is right/Maybe it is wrong/In my soul, I can only live my life the way I want it to be/Never let it make you/You become the leader, but not the follower/You can transform/You can transverse/If you walk on the edge, will you fall off?/If you live on it, will it be dangerous?/Do you take chances in life?/Maybe these things are not my problem/But I live on the edge just to see what happens/Maybe I’ll take a chance just to make it challenging/But I won’t let fear get to me/To catch me in its web/Love surrounds me like a safety suit/Ready to rescue me at anytime/Somewhat lost but never found/But again to be found/This thing in my veins it can lift me up/The artistic ability that it carries/It can be powerful/It seems not to be/At a point when it goes nowhere/But it only got me somewhere/Bit by bit/Little by little/Every step going forward/Maybe it is the chance to take a different route/Adventure/Romance/Action/Horror/But it is still a journey/Like it said “Inner Sanctum”/Freedom is my favorite key I like to hold/Every time I open it up/I am free/Every time there is a chance I’m good at something that I do/Besides H.S. diploma/I am more than this/But unless I’m on my two feet/I believe that in myself I will accomplish something/There is so many things on this list/Very small things are so small/Big things are so big/These things that are lined up are ready to go/They are ready for me to try new things/I don’t have much of a clue/But the smaller things seem easier than those big things/What if I skip some of those things?/Will it make me happy or sad or angry?/Or will I get in trouble?/No, because these things are freewill and these are my dreams/These are things I can and will conquer/These things I can look back on when I grow old/These things I can be the leader/I can command some things off of it too/Some things not to bother/Some things are fun to do/To try is to triumph/In order to succeed/This key I hold in my heart/These are the abilities of freewill/And I, Danielle pledge to accomplish some of these things/Dream little or dream big/I, will only be/I ought to fight for/If I take center stage/If some things don’t get accomplish/There is no time for that/Just go forward and turn away/Wear a safety suit everyday




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Lolee commented on Creativity II


I don't know how you managed to do another one of these! They are so different, and interesting! Good job...good therapy for the writer too.



The second one is like the first one. I love listing things.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

coolcat09’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Aphrodite's Victory 1
Creativity II 1
Creativity I 1