Come Now Boy, Lets Go Home


Poem Commentary

I lost my best friend, Riley, Nov. 19, 2009. This poem is actualy based on a dream I had where we meet in the snow by a creek. It was so profound and felt so real that I had to write about it. I believe in Angels, and truly believe He is mine. ALWAYS. Love You Buddy

Come Now Boy, Lets Go Home

Come Now Boy, Lets Go Home: Drew Lancaster

I found you in my dream

Since He took you from my life

You were cold and alone

I cried,"there there boy, its gonna be alright"

"Daddy's here now, I found you this night"

I hugged that precious neck like death

Wiped the frost from his cheeks

Cooler cold I'll never forget

Kneeling in the snow by the creek

The embrace once lost, feeling forever real

Holding him like mold holds old

Never again will God or fate steal

I found you in my dream

To say I love you and never goodbye

You knew this and I proved it

Love is revealed in the eyes

When I said,"Lets Go Home"

His paws pasted hasty prints

As if he waited so long

Being so happy now this is it

Together again and never again

Shall Daddy leave you all alone

Your the light in my eyes, the pie in my sky

Come now boy, Lets Go Home

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Teardrops commented on Come Now Boy, Lets Go Home


was always close to my dad too this poem he would have like and I do like Marie

HarverTomsson commented on Come Now Boy, Lets Go Home


Bonding with an animal that is destined to die first is the masochistic pull in man's heart. Unlike women, dogs seldom disappoint. But then again, they're not our equals, they're our angels.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

SinnerSaint’s Poems (49)

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