The Brave Little Angel Sent A Broken Suicide Letter


The Brave Little Angel Sent A Broken Suicide Letter

Brave Little Angel Sent A Broken Suicide Letter: Drew Lancaster

To have given-up, all alone given-in

Unable to look in the eyes

Afraid I might see a friend

One with no name, no sin

Think on possibillities of hope

Though a broken heart steals me within

I would have reached for a friend

But cannot bear the sight

Of watching one walk away again

I'm sorry to give-up alone

All alone its hard not too give-in

Truly I am the saddest sight

If I could have I would have

Reached in your smile tonight

Forgive my sigh of this goodbye

I am tired and ready to dream

A place of tears no more

Where I feel no more suffering

To smile on a cloud by you

Rain no more and Sunshine bright

Tonight I ride my rainbow

A color to show me to hold me tight

A kiss, A hug, Tells me it's alright

"Hush now Brave Little Angel

Sleep tight, it's time to say goodbye

See, God recieved your note

Cried to make you better

Told me to hurry

'The Brave Little Angel Sent A Broken Suicide Letter"

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Wakeitha commented on The Brave Little Angel Sent A Broken Suicide Letter


I like the poem we as children of God, we let things of the world frustrate us. The Lord is our strength and he is the one who can get us throught everything. The devil tries to clog our mind to think its no way out. It is with him Christ Jesus who set your mind body soul free.

Worthless commented on The Brave Little Angel Sent A Broken Suicide Letter


sad and well written....

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

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