Come Back


Come Back

Hurry back my loving man,
so we can go through with our plans.
Hurry back so I may see
that loving smile you have for me.
Hurry back and kiss my lips,
and graze my shoulders with your fingertips.
Hurry back and hold me close,
whisper in my ear, "you will never be alone".
Hurry back to say "I love you"
so I can say I love you too.
Hurry back, please don't stay away,
please come back to always brighten my day.
I love you with the very depths of my heart.
And when you drove away,
you took a very very big chunk.
But I will await the day that is bright and new,
The day that I can come back to you.!

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Hampton commented on Come Back


This is a very honestly written poem that expresses the poets heartfelt feelings in a manner that all can understand.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

UnbreakableLove’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
This love 0
FindinG Peace 0
hearts 0
Lonely 0
processing 0
stillness 1
Waiting 1
Strange 1
Happy? 1
Living Lies (Part 2) 0
Living Lies 0
Never Again 1
Walking Away 0
Come Back 1
You and I 0
unreal 0
I hate you 1
So Close 0
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what we don't say 3
Somewhere In-between 1