Stay Away


Stay Away

Stay away from my heart,
It's not for you to see.
No one can get too close,
It's mine exclusively.

I have been promised wealth untold,
A beautiful mansion lined in gold,
a family of my own,
the Cinderella fantasy.

Then it seems something happens
and it takes everything away from me.
this breaks my heart,
and makes me cry,
and leaves me wondering why I even try.

I have so many holes,
so many places left to fill,
I obviously can't do it on my own,
so who will?

I don't trust you to share my heart,
afraid it will shatter with so many cracks
already in place,
How do I know you won't hurt me?
Leave me to feel disgraced?

You say you are different,
and you slowly are showing me that is true,
but I don't know,
I am not ready to trust you.

What's even worse is that I feel
that what I am experiencing is love
and it's bonafide--definite, and real.
But you are unaccesable to me,
no matter what you want us to be.

So why should I try to love you,
why should I allow myself more pain?
Why should I share my heart with you
If it's just going to break again?

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ordnung commented on Stay Away


This has to be your best, most heartfelt poem. Good flow, but also shows your humanity and inner thoughts. I love it.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

UnbreakableLove’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
This love 0
FindinG Peace 0
hearts 0
Lonely 0
processing 0
stillness 1
Waiting 1
Strange 1
Happy? 1
Living Lies (Part 2) 0
Living Lies 0
Never Again 1
Walking Away 0
Come Back 1
You and I 0
unreal 0
I hate you 1
So Close 0
Stay Away 1
Quietness 0
what we don't say 3
Somewhere In-between 1