Childhood Insomnia


  • Childhood

    Poem Commentary

    These are the first four poems I wrote when I was a young childhood about my struggles to sleep. I think written roughly around 9 or 10 years old.

    Childhood Insomnia

    The Beginning of Sleeplessness

    The pillow is soft beneath my head,
    but still my brain aches with pain 
    I can not stop all the thoughts
    from bouncing around in my mind
    I can not stop the fear I feel when I close my eyes
    All I want to do is sleep.  Why can’t I sleep

    Still Can’t Sleep

    There is no sound, no color, only empty darkness
    No one is awake but me
    I lie here night after night in silence; hoping that I can sleep
    As a tear trickles down my cheek splashing under me
    Into a puddle of sadness that only the sleepless can see

    Smoke Detector

    As I lie awake watching the red flickering light on the ceiling
    My eyes feel heavy but I can not sleep
    The memories haunt my dreams
    The terror within keeps me awake
    I can’t stop the scenes that flash through my mind
    Each thought is a loud noise that rattles me awake

    Still Sleepless

    Once again I lie here in frustration
    Tired  of the same dream that wakes me from my sleep 
    I wish I could remember it 
    Early in the morning I will fall asleep again
    This time will it finish
    So someday it will end  


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    1Love commented on Childhood Insomnia


    Very well wriiten for being nince ore ten years old.

    1990lh commented on Childhood Insomnia


    a very interesting poem i like it very good for the age you were when you wrote it. My only thing is that the front size is a little to small, other then that i thought it was really good

    Lolee commented on Childhood Insomnia


    Good poems! My favorite is the last one. (This time will it finish so that someday it will end?) Neat! Hurry up and make some more Monkeylover! This ape is goin bananas! lol Thanks.



    Thank you. I just added a bunch more. Hope you like them.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MonkeyLover’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Lovely Smile 7
    Grace 5
    My Promises 6
    If He only Knew 6
    A Beautiful Soul 5
    How do you describe a cloud picture to a blind person 4
    Family Dysfunction 2
    Childhood Insomnia 3