

  • Love


    her physical beauty is apparent
    through all eyes, it is plainly seen
    her presence does seem heaven sent
    though hidden gracefully is her greed

    true, to eyes she is pure candy
    undoubtedly visually sweet
    but her purity is somewhat sandy
    inevitably the truth you'll soon meet

    her true colors will come to arise
    a surprise no one had expected
    quaking fear and nothing less will suffice
    but surely she remains respected.

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    cousinsoren commented on beautiful


    This exquisite poem is composed on the principle the perfectly crafted quatrain . The quatrain, or four-line stanza is the most common in English poetry.This poem-it seems to me-- is an example of the heroic quatrain of iambic verse rhyming a b a b. The theme of surface beauty with lack of beauty of inner-self is smoothly developed by a selection and combination of appropriate words resulting into pleasing imagery and explicit diction.The poet cleverly and subtly concludes with an impactive line warning the Reader to expect to learn more about the character portrayed in the poem: "her true colors will come to arise a surprise no one had expected." Who is this character ? makes the poem mysterious or enigmatic, as the poetess takes care not to give the Reader a clue..................LOL My rating for faultlessness is 10x10.

    HarverTomsson commented on beautiful


    A bit of woman on woman tattling...whoooo, delicious.

    DeepEclipse commented on beautiful


    We would no doubtedly see a whole different world if all masks were pulled off at once...........we probably wouldn't recognize where we are.

    Artie commented on beautiful


    What lurks behind the mask of beauty..............

    lonewolf commented on beautiful


    very nicely done

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    phoenix’s Poems (2)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    beautiful 13
    city of sin 11