At The Seams


  • Lost Love

    At The Seams

    My only consilation is my end, clarity and understanding elude me once again. The life i have been dreaming is a lie, i'm a stranger to myself until the end of time. The only thing that matters isnt real, its just as fake as the love i feel. I feel myself slipping once again, into a rage brought on by all my sins. The nightmares of the skeletons haunt my dreams, reminding me that my closet isnt clean. 

    I'm tearing myself apart at the seams, reminded of the promise i seek. I'm tearing down the lie that is me, in the end i will be free. 

    The love i feel is not my own, the fear of loneliness only continues to grow. The isolation takes me to the edge, the memory of you seems like my only friend. 

    I'm tearing myself apart at the seams, chasing down the promise i see. I'm tearing down the lies that i bleed, in the end we will be complete.

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    HarverTomsson commented on At The Seams


    Good word play going on between seams and seems. Way to hustle. Harv

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    AvrilLatrine92’s Poems (7)

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    Lost and Found 0
    I dreamed 0
    Rebirth 0
    Untitled Thoughts 0
    Broken 0
    Stranger 2
    At The Seams 1

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