

  • Other
    • arpee
    • ..thanks guys for comments and ratings!


    arrogant but right,
    tactless and willing to cite.
    saying what's in his mind,
    idealist who sees not blind.
    nervous but brave,
    giving all his guts to save.
    sane but fancy,
    making things too easy.
    snobbish but friendly,
    always there for you laboriously.
    quiet man but utters,
    expressing joy in a chatter.
    curious but knowing,
    fast learner and always asking.
    stalling but direct,
    camouflaging from the armor of tricks.
    popular saying 'temel nosce',
    and all of this is me.


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    am2anangel commented on arpee


    loved the way you summed yourself up in a poem sounds like you are flip sides of a coin at times. But aren't we all. well done. -Tonya

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    arpee’s Poems (46)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    happy 1st anniversary 1
    memory 0
    hands that rack the cradle 0
    one 1
    my text girl 1
    i was 1
    count your blessing 0
    secrets of life 1
    friend in flask 0
    great light 1
    arpee 1
    homesick 1
    friction 0
    nursing home 0
    faithless 1
    beast of burden 0
    my forever joy 2
    qoutes 0
    myron (r.i.p.) 0
    love is free 1
    jaded love 0
    inspired 0
    i'll be back 0
    jvkx hy xlhmxkbv 0
    my faith 0
    life 0
    down to core 0
    my sol 0
    telltale of a maze 0
    sleeping beauty 0
    my faith 0
    scarecrow 1
    "where is juliet?" 0
    unwanted 0
    one day at a time 1
    questions 1
    the goal 0
    fear of the unknown 0
    six strings 0
    count your blessing 1
    better 0
    mary 0
    elements -3
    my son 0
    wifezilla 0
    original poetry dot com 0