  • Philosophy


    your book speaks of a day
    one for which you pray never comes
    you go about your days in wonder and fear
    ignorance to protect the now
    for a day will come, a day you wont know how
    hiding in the busy, passing the blame
    blame for the shame of your trespass

    I know of a day, soon to come to pass
    I hear it in the trees and feel it in the grass
    I see it in the skies as fiery smokestacks burn my eyes
    I smell it in the rain like chemical weapon pain
    I taste it in our animals soon to be cannibales
    I know the earth she no longer can hold this girth
    vomiting forth toxicity
    of our inevitable apocolypic possabilities

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    Chaos128 commented on zen


    Sharp observations, K. I'm just hoping you're taking a tangential road and aren't really this cynical. Whatever the case, you've got potential to burn. Great stuff!

    slohan4u commented on zen


    wow! i hope i can write like this when i am 10. oh i forgot, i'm way past that.

    bluewolf commented on zen


    Perhaps he is-perhaps he is not knight; only he knows the truth. However it is not impossible for a 10 year old to be this precocious and observent of the world around him. Age is not intellectual definition.

    knight4696 commented on zen


    Kage - Unlike, some of the others ... I do not believe that your 10 yrs old, nor do I believe anything else in your profile. But.... I don't care about it either. However ... I do believe that you have a great talent and thank you for sharing your poetry and insights. Great job with this poem - an honest look at our troubled world.

    dumplin commented on zen


    Wow, this from a 10 year old boy! You must be some sort of genius or something. I loved this! Please keep on writing.

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    KagenoKitsune’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Subconcious Discovery 3
    The fate YOU've made! 3
    tears on the inside do not dry 16
    Portent 12
    zen 10
    The Void 9
    enlightened 4