I can see your face when I close my eyes.
Thoughts and words fill my heart and head and to paper it flies.
We are simple yet complicated in the most peculiar way I must say.
I look at what we have both been through and how we live our lives day to day and still play.
No demise a real life Love Jones to both of our surprise.
My first second coming without the marriage , arguments and lies.
I see a colorful world built with you but I'm scared to completely let go and grow.
In the very same instance I have and went places all too comfortable.
I've let down my guard and set sail on a cruise ship to a place in my heart.
Your replacing a feeling I once made to a person promising til death do us part.
Your love is addictive and it took me on this ride smooth yet fast.
Our ship turns into a super-charged Nova or jet and I'll continue even if this ride is my last.
Your love is nothing I've experienced sexually or emotionally in my past!

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sacret commented on YOUR LOVE


its a gift that dwells inside the little girl within. from love is where the heart begins to beat. contiue to love and to write of destiny. faith will hold you and understanding will keep you. /enjoy your writings/the prophesy

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

boriquamorena’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
To Be 2
Overated 7
? YOU ? 2
IF I ? 3
What do you see? 4
untitled 4