? YOU ?


  • Emotional

    ? YOU ?

    I believe I've met you somewhere before.
    It's as if we were reaqainted as I walked through the door.
    As our eyes engaged one anothers in an unsaid delight.
    Did we once undress one another or is this love at first sight?
    Conflicted by the energy and emotion surrounding our beings.
    As if destined to be a real life Love Jones thing.
    Now tell me where you came from I beg of you please.
    I know what happened, this is the man I dreamed of and prayed for on my knees.
    Oh my lord I've awaken from this realistic but lovely fantasy.
    So I can engulf you and swim deep within you like the deep blue sea.

    Poem Comments


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    Product commented on ? YOU ?


    Love can be hidden,so at many times we overlook the find.That dwells before us.Don't look so much and it will find u.



    This is how I always find love it revealed to me. thanx

    FLAWLES commented on ? YOU ?


    This is good also. I'm glad you've decided to post more of your work. Everyone has their own style; and you certainly have yours. Now, go to my page and read "? ME ?"



    ME is very good.So when can we be friends? Holla

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    boriquamorena’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    To Be 2
    Overated 7
    ? YOU ? 2
    IF I ? 3
    What do you see? 4
    untitled 4