You See That Child There?


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    You See That Child There?

    You see that child there with the name brand clothes on?
    The one that pays no attention to those below him?
    He's treated like a prince and laughs at others' faults
    He will be a hypocrit and forever be alone.
    Years of orders and demands icing over his heart

    You see that child there that sits in the back by himself?
    The one who picks on the others and calls them mean names?
    He's the class bully, the one who gave you that black eye.
    He will soon be fitted for his wings
    As he threw himself in front of a bullet to save a child he never knew.

    You see the child with the pretty eyes so full of life?
    He smiles at others and always plays nice.
    The class nerd so full of question and answers.
    He will become a genius with answers to questions
    Promising accomplishments to make and do.

    You see that child there with the half hidden bruises?
    He sits in the dark corner hoping to be ignored
    The class outcast no one sees or cares about.
    He will be at the home of an innocent little girl tonight
    bleeding on the floor from a stab wound that was ment for her.

    Always look a little deeper than the surface
    The rich or the poor we are no different.
    Give thise not as popular a chance to prove themselves
    Remember those we least expect can become our real heroes

    Victoria Gillilan

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    SaintStoney commented on You See That Child There?


    Yes, That is so very true. Exterior means nothing until you see what is inside. True beauty in many diffferent forms can exist if you just choose to look inside. Great job,

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Twilight’s Poems (2)

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