

  • Death


    Mommy, please don't cry for me
    because in your heart i'll always be
    I can no longer run, dance, or play
    I am in constant pain all through the day.

    I'm tired, hurt, and broken
    The truth of my condition is rarely spoken
    Please promise me you won't cry
    In time we will all die

    Mommy, please wipe the tears from your eye
    for in this bed I won't much longer lie
    I'm sleepy, numb, and sad
    Please don't think you did anything bad!

    Mommy, I don't want to close my eyes once more
    because when I do your heart will be sore.
    But my eyes are heavy and there's no pain;
    how can this time seem so plain?

    Mommy, please don't be mad my dreams won't come true
    Because for now I've done what I'm supposed to do
    I'm no longer gonna be scared
    Because you and others really cared

    Mommy, when I go to sleep one more time,
    Will I go to heaven to see the gates?
    Are you going with me;
    Or will I need to sit and wait?

    I know you say you'll miss me
    But think of how I soon will be
    I'll be able to play and dance til really late
    Something I haven't done since that sad date.

    Mommy, I'm gonna close my eyes now
    I'll be with you someway, somehow
    My breathes are tough
    My eyes feel rough

    So,mommy, I've got to go to sleep
    Please try real hard not to weep
    Will you tuck me in one last time?
    I'm gonna see the gates that shine

    I love you mommy, remember that
    If you miss me remember where I'm at
    So good bye for now; I see you then
    I'll wait there at the time you come through, I don't know when

    So,mommy, I'll tell you goodnight
    I hear the voice "come toward the light."
    Mommy, it's a beautiful sight.
    Remember I love you and goodnight

    Victoria Gillilan

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    SaintStoney commented on Mommy...


    I love this. It really almost brought tears to my eyes. I think you a very excellent writer. I am glad I read that. Thank you for sharing, Your mind is full of beautiful creativity.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Twilight’s Poems (2)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    You See That Child There? 1
    Mommy... 1