You And Me...


  • Emotional

    You And Me...

    We have been through everything.
     Good memories that can't be forgotten,
     bad that i wish could be.
    You are an amazing person in my eyes,
     but your not for me.
    I love you more then anything in the world.
    Tears fill my eyes as i think of this.
    When you pop in my mind i think that
     you where the best thing that ever happend to me.
     At the time... I wish i could be your
     everything and be your forever.
    But do you wish the same?
     You used to.
    Do you anymore?
    It kills me to say this but
     i think its for the best.
    Its time for a goodbye.
     A goodbye to "us".
    I love you but im letting go.
     As my eyes fill with tears im walking away.
     I will still be here for you
    when you need a shoulder to cry on.
     Maybe this wont last for long.
     Im not sure, Its up to you and me both.
     But do i know anything at this point?
     I love You and Im Sorry.

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    Dancer022597 commented on You And Me...


    This is truly amazing work u've got here. It's also very hard to do this kind of thing-leaving love when u still want it. Amazing job!



    This poem still brings a tear to my eye becuase of what its about..thanks

    Mextizo commented on You And Me...


    it takes a lot of courage to make ur emotions bleed through pen and on the paper. good write.................................



    thank you alot

    Mareann commented on You And Me...


    Please continue to write, it is a great release for tied up emotions. Thank you for sharing, Mareann




    PrettyTough commented on You And Me...


    Very Strong, it takes a strong heart to let go of someone you love...



    That is 100% true about how i feel right now though

    Tempy commented on You And Me...


    i think this just happened to me. if it did i wont be crying i'll just die



    im sorry =/



    No relatioship is ever worth your life...

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Starella15’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Ocean Waves... 18
    The Great New Feeling. 6
    Gone. 4
    Forgetting... 6
    You And Me... 5
    Life... 3
    What to do? 4
    Wonder. 3
    Love... 3
    But Forever Fade... 4