But Forever Fade...


  • Lost Love

    But Forever Fade...

    I wish we couldve been
     what we always said we'd be.
     One happy couple, forevers all we'd see.
     But forevers faded away.
    And your hearts no longer mine.
    As sad as it is to say i think of you all the time.
    But do you think of me as i think of you?
    Or do you sit and wonder what your going to do?
     About your broken heart thats been ripped into shreds.
    " I want to make you happy"
    is what you said,
    but if thats what you really wanted...why arent we together?
    Why are we no longer thinking about forever?
    Because your the only thing that makes my life worthwhile.
    And thats the only thing that could make me smile.

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    Musicmynded1 commented on But Forever Fade...


    There will always be another.. as this world forever holds us within it's tick, but good u caught it on paper, I'm sorry relationships sometimes happen like this...... (you might like my The mind of a prophet or just fate... its not a poem, but maybe some insite)



    Thanks:D That was the first poem i wrote.

    bluewolf commented on But Forever Fade...


    This poem has a smooth, lyrical wording that allows the reader a glimpse into the heart that suffers from unrequited love. Do we ever truly find love-the love of poetic creativity-or is this a fictional aspiration that can never be fulfilled? “Love is something few people know. If you are one of the few, help it grow.” Who is to say, save the one who has reached this plateau? Good work.



    Thanks alot!

    PrettyTough commented on But Forever Fade...


    Every experience we go through in life makes us the person we eventually become. A broken heart is just one of the many things we have to experience to become more grateful to real love. This poem is a great example of teenage angst...



    ty :)

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    Starella15’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Ocean Waves... 18
    The Great New Feeling. 6
    Gone. 4
    Forgetting... 6
    You And Me... 5
    Life... 3
    What to do? 4
    Wonder. 3
    Love... 3
    But Forever Fade... 4