Yes I Can!


  • Philosophy

    Yes I Can!

    I can too achieve
    I can do it with just a little effort
    The effort will enable me to be the one I see in my vision
    The one who will empower others to be the one they see in their vision. I will learn all I can to become the one I see and what I don’t understand I will seek help and guidance from those who are where I am trying to get to.

    Yes I can do this because I said I can.
    Knowing that I can gives me the confidence I need to put forth the efforts to attain greatness through grace and wisdom I will tell myself, Yes I can over and over because I am totally me.

    Know that you can through effort, grace and wisdom.
    When in doubt seek the inner you for your Yes I can and you will encounter totally you.

    Don’t be too proud to ask for help. The help will be there for the taken. Remember no one knows everything some one had to help him or her at one point or another. Some day you too will surely be asked to help.

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    foufon’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    God told me! 0
    The Risk 1
    Yes I Can! 0
    Amount To Nothing: 0