The Risk


The Risk

The risk made it possible for me to be me
The risk was painful and so very hard
Many days and nights I wanted to give
up because I was tied of trying to achieve
Tried of working towards being the one in my vision
I had to stop running with my friends and focus on achieving my goals. My boyfriend called me a geek and said I was crazy. He dropped me for a more down town girl. He said I don’t have time to waste with a dream chaser. I slipped into a depression for that minute after. Then suddenly the voice of depression said unto me, you know they said you think you can, but you can’t. I said rewind! Come again? Yes they are watching, wishing and waiting for you to fail.

I said into the voice oh yeah! Not the three W’s. No way that is so not me. I will take the risk to a greater me by achieving my goals and no one has that kind of say over me. Only I have that power through self determination.
This risk I will take to a greater me.

For you out there don’t be afraid to take a risk to a greater you. After all the risk will benefit you and others, so walk the roads of risk to achieving your dreams or goals.

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muttman1 commented on The Risk


I felt that one cause ive felt that way too.



Thanks so you feel me then. LOL

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

foufon’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
God told me! 0
The Risk 1
Yes I Can! 0
Amount To Nothing: 0