

  • Life



    Its all about seeing and what you don’t get

    All about being and what they will let

    When you are trying to get there

    But your feet wont move

    And your heart sees it but you don’t feel

    look to the sun set but its not warm and real

    And there is frost on your grass

    When you know it isn’t cold

    And you walk down the road but can’t be bold

    And you grab at the tree limb but your hand slips away

    And you cant be there maybe another day

    And she sees your hand shake but don’t care

    And its not about who you are or what you wear

    And its not the hair or the shoes that make you tall

    And you see in their eyes nothing but back then

    When love wont stay it just gets in the way

    And the words are stiff people just want to play

    And you can go no farther and no way to figure

    And your hand is in the right place just pull the trigger


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    am2anangel commented on Words


    wow very intense loved the visual journey. well done. -Tonya

    koolmom0 commented on Words


    This is a very powerful write my friend. And it is written very well, it flows easily. :) Kool

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    burnningman’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    words 1
    What 2
    Smoke Tag 0
    Christmas Back then 1
    Never Bend 3
    Hell i dont know 2
    Words 2
    No Love 3