

  • Life


    I met a young lady today
    Cant member where
    But somewhere along my way

    Ohh she was pretty alright
    Long blond hair and dressed well too
    And wearing a pair of them ugly boots
    I guess for a shoe

    But her speech was wrong
    Her words were not right
    Made me laugh
    She was a sight

    Seems she forgot the alphabet
    And she never said an A
    I dont know why
    Maybe some kind of word play

    For that she said thot
    And for wax she said wox
    And fat was fot

    Ever was ohver
    Clever was clohver
    Thank you was thonk you
    Want to was wont to

    She kept it up while i was talking to her
    On an on with the crazy talk
    Tricking her words
    Made me wanna walk

    Change was chonge
    Game was gome
    Car was cor
    Bay was bohy

    Rat was rot
    Right was roght
    Pat was pot
    And hat was hot

    I was looking for a come back
    But nothing so ill just have to poss
    So when i left i told her
    Lady you can kiss my oss

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    bjenkins commented on What


    Women are mysterious creatures. Hell, look at the boots she was wearing! HAHA Awesome write! Keep it up!

    koolmom0 commented on What


    LOL This is too funny...I love it man...I can just picture you telling her that...or thot...LOL...:) Koolmom0

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    burnningman’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    words 1
    What 2
    Smoke Tag 0
    Christmas Back then 1
    Never Bend 3
    Hell i dont know 2
    Words 2
    No Love 3