Women (of all places and times)


  • Political

    Women (of all places and times)

    To raise our sons
    In their fathers’ image,
    To perpetuate wars
    Waged on our children.

    Vulvas, broken feet,
    And perfectly willing
    To inflict the same horrors
    On our own daughters.

    To cherish the boys
    And abort the girls,
    To fulfill what’s expected
    Of mothers and wives.

    To cover our faces,
    Suppress our needs,
    Kill our curiosity,
    Renounce our identity.

    As a way of life
    In an inferior role, suited
    (We are told)
    To our inferior brains.

    As witches
    When too wise or too free,
    Sure, we have come a long way
    In this brave modern world!

    Empowered and confident,
    We stand accused
    Of lack of humility,
    For being (rightfully) proud
    Of the progress we have made.

    Now we are said to threaten
    To castrate, humiliate,
    If we compete as equals
    And enjoy some success.

    And how so very selfish of us
    To ask to be loved,
    Understood and respected,
    To relate and connect
    As whole human beings!

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    Realistic commented on Women (of all places and times)


    I aggree with you on this 100%. But truly, as woman, we are the dominate creatures. Keep writting!

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    Lucia’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
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    The Quilt 2
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    Women (of all places and times) 2
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