Without You


  • Akirahs
  • bout to get on my grind wit this writting things :-)

Without You

To much PAIN, to much PAIN
Never from this have I gained
Got me feeling like I'm going insaine
My mind working over time when I'm already stressed
Tired of getting put to the test
Tired of feeling like your pest
Tired of asking and never recieving
All the things WE BOTH AGREED to believe in
Tired of trying and failling
then all the blame go on me for bailing

You say I left you...
BUT you never gave yourself to me
Never let me see beyond what YOU wanted to show me
And when I let go, we kept in touch
so I'm sitting on the side lines stressing so much
WHY doed she know things I've never been told
WHY is she getting things I asked for
WHY are you someone I just can't ignore
I watched girl before me and I've watched girls after
but in the end none of them even matter

I made you something that your not
but you so high you couldn't be touched
no one else every amounted to much...
when I compared them to you
But you wasn't all I made you out to be
simply...you was NEVER meant for me
Just something I was hoping you could be
And by holding on, wishing and hoping to be
I just kept my heart open for you to hurting me

NOW ... It may not have been on purpose
but it hurt just the same
now I realize, it not you...It's me who should change

I LET GO of our past, our good memories,
our phone conversations, our plans for a future,
the way we met, out first time.......
ANYTHING dealing with you I'm releasing with PRIDE
And because I am A GOOD WOMAN and now I am STRONG
I HOPE you find HAPPINESS as I find my OWN


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HakiNatuwah1 commented on Without You


wow!!! is that from your personal experience or someone's experience that u saw....either way I love it, I can relate so much to this......again all I can say is woooooow

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Akirahs’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
SHE... 1
There is no Guy! 2
Im not a poet... 0
Without You 1