  • Death


    sometimes my mind wonders why
    we were born to live to live to die
    so why should i
    give a fuck about livin
    if at an instant
    i could be on my mission
    out of here
    wit no fear of death
    my last breath
    awaits me should i care for what
    if it was'nt for bad luck
    i woulodnt have no luck at all
    it makes me fall
    to my knees
    ask tha lord please
    to forgive me
    for my sins
    wit a bottle of gin
    by my side is it wrong or right
    i cant deicide so why try

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    CatEyes commented on why


    I like your poem... Are the words supposed to be spelled wrong?

    ccslim commented on why


    Ever ask why? hehe great content and flow with the only hiccup in it's giddy up is the f bomb. Thumbs up!

    Melj710 commented on why


    I like this one It has a nice undercurrent. It's kinda deep on several levels. Great write

    syed commented on why


    u seem to be a lil confused like me ...LOL but the flow and the emotions were good!!!!

    Plot121 commented on why


    very emotionally charged and hard hitting but I think it was more one sided view of the world hmmm Robert...

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    seldomseen’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    why 6
    let it shine 2
    9/11 0
    two sides to everything 1