Why me?


  • Family

    Why me?

    I've Lost more Love's
    then I'm sure im due
    I know your death
    will just add to that truth
    I've lost my Mother,
    my Grandma and Grandpa too
    My uncle who was my favorite
    if I would of known I could have said goodbye
    I wish I'd never seen what
    Cancer can do
    Cause now Im scared I'll
    get it too
    Why does Cancer keep taking
    my foundation from me
    Leaving me scared,and with a pain
    that won't subside or numb with time
    I guess it's just a matter of time
    til someone else dies of it
    The Doctor's said Chemo would work
    but they lied,you just went sooner
    We all thought it would make you better
    you told us to be brave,not to worry
    Then you were gone and we all thought
    I only wish I had more time to say
    I love you,Goodbye,I'll think of you
    everyday till I die and that's not a lie
    I wrote this for you ,So you could see
    how much you meant to me when you were here
    And to reach out to other's who feel this same pain!

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    mithus commented on Why me?


    My husband is dying , not of cancer, but he will not get the transplant he needs..When you said FOUNDATION it brought me to my knees. 2 days ago I called him my rock, and he said he was not my rock, but my foundation....and always will be even when he is gone...The memory and the memory of the strength of those we lose is something STRONG to build up from, to lean on and to give us shelter in our weak times. Darlin, I have had cancer 4 times, and I made it to 38. When I begin to cry over w

    shirineshat commented on Why me?


    I am so sorry to hear that, its really hard to loose the people that we love I guess thats life which it sucks sometimes.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Hogans3’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    thru your eye's 1
    In the Spirit Of Giving 3
    To Helen My 2yr Old Strawberry Haired Girl 0
    Daughter to Father 2
    Life's not a dress rehearsal. 0
    Unexpected thing's 1
    Why me? 3