To Helen My 2yr Old Strawberry Haired Girl


  • Family

    To Helen My 2yr Old Strawberry Haired Girl

    I remember when we found out you were on your way,
    I laughed and cried and your dad did too,our blessing
    Miracle Girl with strawberry hair and blue-green eye's
    I was terrified when you started to walk,all you did was fall
    And When you turned 2 we nicknamed you Miguyver
    You were a natural born escape artist nothing could hold you
    spunky,bold,daring,happy and fiesty is what make's you YOU
    I'm sure I'll never stop worring about you as you grow and mature
    Hope I do a good job of making you into the woman you'll be
    We all mess up along the way so I know you will too,so don't fret
    Your a sweetest little thing and the best thing I've ever done!
    I love you Baby and I will be with you always even if not in body
    For then I will be with you emotionally and darling!

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Hogans3’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    thru your eye's 1
    In the Spirit Of Giving 3
    To Helen My 2yr Old Strawberry Haired Girl 0
    Daughter to Father 2
    Life's not a dress rehearsal. 0
    Unexpected thing's 1
    Why me? 3