why do i care


  • Lost Love

    why do i care

    see the tides
    the memories rise
    i want to scream
    why do i care
    why do i torture myself

    i do all that i can to talk to you
    when i know you don't want to hear
    i try my best to try and redeem myself
    when i know you wont

    i know i should give up
    but my heart wont
    and one day
    I'd like to say
    i don't care

    i lost you on my own account
    and that what makes it worse
    i know wrong from right
    and i went down the wrong road

    i want to delete everything that connects us
    but my fingures wont do it
    i know you don't care
    not any more about me
    and one day
    i wish i could say the same

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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    IrishDanniegirl’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I want to know 0
    I want to know 0
    Its alright 0
    its what you get 0
    I'm sorry 0
    why do i care 1