what women want


  • dirtysouth
  • is enjoying life and gets his insperation from his kids and his loving wife

what women want

women want love so tender
so sweet that they look
for the perfect guy to
meet as they greet and kiss
there lips so soft and so
smooth that the passion in
there eyes opens there desires
its fire in there eyes that
makes men realize how much
they love that one person
thats what women want
dedicated to the men of
the world

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Worthless commented on what women want


What women want is a faithful, honest, true MAN who listens and understands. Someone who doesn't bitch or go psycho on stupid shit. A man who doesn't make up lies to get what they want and keep making them up because the women doesn't approve of what they do. A man loves us as much as we do them. And a man who tells you your lying when your telling the truth. A man who doesn't care that you would rather go hunting or fishing then go out to eat or a movie. A man who's true and honest! Guess What, Their isn't one!!!

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

dirtysouth’s Poems (38)

Title Comments
Title Comments
wind 0
sorrow and pain 0
hatred 1
my homegirl 0
passion of fire 0
taste of your body 1
romance of love 0
Trying to fine your love 0
when we first met 0
longing for your touch 0
my family 0
broken heart 0
strong love -1
lust 2
Angel 0
The Love We Share 0
Freinds 0
The Way You Are 0
The Love of my Life 0
Lonely 0
Our Passion on Fire 0
Walls of Pain 0
Incarcerated 0
Love 0
Pain 0
Timing is Ticking Away 0
Depression of Love 1
fantasy 0
cold heart 1
lost love 0
romance 0
lost and confused 0
what women want 1
my kids 0
finding the one u love 1
desire to love 1
love and pain 0
moonlight love 1