cold heart


  • dirtysouth
  • is enjoying life and gets his insperation from his kids and his loving wife

cold heart

People with a cold heart have no feeling
there love is lost and forgotten
but when they least expect it they
realize what they lost and then
its to late to recover people
hate and play with other peoples
emotions it makes people cry
as the tears fall from there
eyes you try to hold them close
but they are slippin away
into a darkness where they
cant be helped and it happens
dedicated to people with a cold heart

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Louise commented on cold heart


There are people in the world that only care about themself. One thing I do know if when the shoe is on the other foot they want to be treated differently. Never let anyone chnage who you are or your worthiness.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

dirtysouth’s Poems (38)

Title Comments
Title Comments
wind 0
sorrow and pain 0
hatred 1
my homegirl 0
passion of fire 0
taste of your body 1
romance of love 0
Trying to fine your love 0
when we first met 0
longing for your touch 0
my family 0
broken heart 0
strong love -1
lust 2
Angel 0
The Love We Share 0
Freinds 0
The Way You Are 0
The Love of my Life 0
Lonely 0
Our Passion on Fire 0
Walls of Pain 0
Incarcerated 0
Love 0
Pain 0
Timing is Ticking Away 0
Depression of Love 1
fantasy 0
cold heart 1
lost love 0
romance 0
lost and confused 0
what women want 1
my kids 0
finding the one u love 1
desire to love 1
love and pain 0
moonlight love 1