What is Presence


  • Life
    • jazzia
    • just making through life like any other teenager

    What is Presence

    What is presence
    Does it morph as you grow to adolescence
    Life is a drawn out tragedy
    Dark abundance of agony
    full of twisted turns and corrupt closes
    teasing attar of roses
    twisted turns and shattered glass
    tourture with ample time to harass
    the longer you run the faster death tolls
    run and hide quickly for frim reaper come to hoard sould
    hurry, hurry better be quick
    your life's clock ticked its final tick

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    jazzia’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    What is Presence 0
    Untitled 0
    Inside My head 0
    The Perfect Present 0
    the relaztion of whats inside a women 0
    the true meaning of love 0
    The truth about love 0
    promises 1
    my herion 0
    Knives 2